My Diary.
to Share my Life Events

Blessing morning


This photo was taken at my hometown, Makassar in Indonesia.


Actually, I didn't make a plan for hunting pictures when I took this picture. I took this picture when I went to my office, the time was around 7am at Aug 7, 2015. I always pass through this road when I go to my office, but at the time it was different, the air filled with smoke. I didn't like the atmosphere because the smoke made the air pollution. Some people had burned the dry leaf on beside the street before I passed the street. However, my "photographer instinct" said to me .."Hey man, this is a superb moment for making an ROL (Ray of Light) photograph", then I stopped my motorbike and wait for someone who also pass this road for my POI (Point of Interest) in my picture.


When I saw the sunlight shining the smoke, I imagine a street with the blessing of God, with gold light. I adjusted the white balance to warm and reduce the exposure to get the dramatic effect.


This picture was shot on a Sony mirrorless Nex 5, with a 16-50 mm lens.


As I mention before that I don't have a plan for shoot the picture, I just follow my instinct when I saw the moment.


For me, the awesome picture was "born" as the good picture from the camera. I sent the picture from my camera to my android smartphone and I give a small correction brightness, white balance, exposure and crop the picture using Snapseed application to get the good tone color.

In my camera bag

I always bring my camera in my work bag every day. I have three lenses: Sony 16-50mm, Sony 55-200mm, and my fav lens Fujian 50mm. Besides that, I also bring my some filter like GND, ND, CPL, and FLD for landscape photography. If I going to hunting pictures, I always bring my tripod and extension tube for the macro photography.


Always turn on your intuition. Photography always taught me to see another perspective that the others can't see it. Find the beautiful things on the ordinary view, and keep always be patience to get the right time to push your shooter button.

februadi februadi Author